Product Costs

costOftentimes product costs have to be calculated before serial manufacturing of the final product. Thus, the risks can be considerably high.
A systematically lead Target Costing accompanies the product creation process right from the start.

Be it for new products or when analyzing costs of existing products, Solupro supports clients to reach the target costs for their focus products.

Design to Cost

The competitiveness of a products depends considerably on its production cost. Often, wishful thinking accompanies the development process and the production costs are unrealistically estimated. Knowing that, depending on the product, 60 - 80% of the production costs are determined in development, this...

Design to Manufacturing

A construction that supports manufacturing simplifies production and process adherence. This was already recognized in 1947: "not the cost of the purchased material is the problem but the realization of the lowest cost for the product functionality requested by the customer" (Larry D. Miles). Value...
Product Cost Calculation

Product Cost Calculation

Enterpreneurial success depends directly on product cost calculation - therefore, it is a strategic leadership instrument. Ever too often the traditional overhead calculation blurs the true production cost and leads to wrong decisions. Transparency regarding the true cost of a product helps to decide...